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Some of the healthiest relationships are the ones where boundaries have been established because it forces all parties involved to consider each other in ways that they may not have considered them otherwise, and because you want to remain in their lives, you eventually find value there without even realizing it.

Boundaries draw the line for us without us having to sacrifice our peace and happiness. We should never view someone establishing boundaries as an attack if we love them and our intent is to support them. Boundaries are being set all around us and that's been the case from childhood. We've been conditioned to follow rules, whether it be on our job, the country's law, our parents, and at school. So why wasn't the same emphasis put on teaching some of us to establish our own boundaries for our own peace, self preservation and esteem. Over time, the constant disappointment from

trying to please others gets the better of us. Then, when you finally realize how imperative it is for you to stand up for yourself, there's that fear that it'll disappoint the people that we love, and that should never be the case. Ultimately, people who want the best for you, want you to feel safe.

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We have to unlearn putting the comfort of others above our own because that only results in resentment.

We have to unlearn unhealthy patterns and learn to confidently and unapologetically establish our boundaries.

Give yourself permission to hold the line without feeling guilty or selfish.

You have to learn to advocate for yourself because no one is coming to save you.

As a former people pleaser, I had to train my boundaries to take precedence over my empathy. Now, I show up for me in ways that I don't expect anyone else to, and it fills my cup in ways that allow me to show up for others from a more healthy space. Any lifestyle changes that we adopt that challenge us to be better and stronger versions of ourselves require commitment and discipline.

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Boundaries are Bold but Beautiful!

Relationships that operate from a healthy space should never require you to sacrifice your personal safety, or walk on eggshells concerning how you feel. Tough conversations are a part of healthy relationships.

Think back to a time when you expressed yourself or tried to express to a loved one how you felt about something and you were met with resistance or it was an experienced that instilled fear in you where being transparent made you feel disregarded. How did you cope moving forward? Do you think subconsciously it might play a role in your lack of establishing boundaries presently? If so, how do you plan to navigate that behavior better? Well first, you have to believe that your boundaries and needs are just as important as the next person. Everyone adheres to boundaries in some form or another. So you implementing your boundaries will be foreign to your loved ones because it's something that they'll have to be conscious of moving forward, but you are worth it. Besides, what's the worst that can happen? You get to find out who your people really are, while rediscovering you all over again.

That sounds like a win to me.

t's time to commit to rediscovering yourself, reinstating your power, and wearing your boundaries as a badge of honor. My boundaries gatekeep access to the best parts of me. The air is better up here.

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By: Coach L. ~ Lean in VIP